ICF Governance Support and Monitoring Programme
The purpose of the 'ICF Governance Support and Monitoring Programme' is to encourage the development of the sport and strengthen the bonds of friendship that unite those who practice it.
National Federations are the key stakeholders in supporting the global growth of paddle sport and with the Congress they hold the supreme authority of the ICF.
As part of implementing the Fit for Future Strategic Plan, the ICF wishes to strengthen communication with the National Federations and provide assistance and education in key governance areas.
In line with article 2.3 of the Statutes the ICF does not wish to interfere with its federations, but the ICF must monitor all activities and encourage the application of good governance principles and modern international standards.
As part of the programme, ICF will send out a series of circulars on a number of topics, with a questionnaire at the end. We wish to emphasize that there are no wrong answers. ICF aims to get a realistic picture of the regulation of the sport at the national level and assist its federations where possible and has the capacity to do so. Direct communication helps to assess the situation of the sport, deepens the relationship between stakeholders and creates opportunities to maximize synergies.
ICF is aware that there is no one-size-fits-all solution since the National Federations differ from each other in terms of the number of registered members, legal backgrounds, financial resources, staff, and size.
We believe that by working together and through continuous communication we can take the sport to a new level where good governance can ensure diversity, transparency, and inclusion at all levels of paddle sport.
Good governance principles
The Basic Universal Principles of Good Governance within the Olympic Movement were first approved in 2009 by the Olympic Congress in Copenhagen and have been updated in the framework of Recommendation 14 of Olympic Agenda 2020+5 “Strengthen the Olympic Movement through good governance”.
All members of the Olympic Movement shall adopt these Basic Universal Principles of Good Governance and reflect these standards in their respective rules, regulations, policies and operations.
Although the three main constituents of the Olympic Movement are the International Olympic Committee (“IOC”), the International Sports Federations (“IFs”) and the National Olympic Committees (“NOCs”), the Olympic Movement also encompasses National Federations, clubs and persons belonging to the IFs.
The application of good governance principles, such as;
- Transparency
- Integrity
- Democracy
- Accountability
- Checks and balances are integral to democratic, accountable decision-making within the sports organisations
Each sports organisation shall have a publicly communicated and defined vision, mission and strategy and shall have a formalised organisational structure which fits to its county’s regulatory framework meanwhile ensuring compliance with the ICF and IOC rules and regulations.
The core document of the federation and the connecting regulations shall be publicly available, reviewed, and updated periodically.
The roles and responsibilities of the governing bodies shall be clearly defined, and they shall be accountable for their area of responsibility along with the management and staff of the National Federation.
As for the democratic processes the General Assembly of the Federation shall be held at least once a year. The statutes and regulations must specify the quorum for meetings and the majority required to make decisions. The election process shall be governed by transparent and democratic rules and the results shall be published.
References and educational material links
- Extract of the IOC Code of Ethics referring to good governance principles
- ICF Statutes
- ICF Fit for Future Strategic Plan
- IPACS good governance
We hope that with these circulars we will be able to raise awareness and strengthen the connection with all our national federations, whose contributions are greatly appreciated.
Please do not hesitate to contact us at info@canoeicf.com should you have any questions.