Australian paddler Noemie Fox takes us inside preparations for the 2017 World Junior and U23 canoe slalom World Championships, which start on Tuesday

With official training well underway, the course is buzzing with activity from dawn until dusk.

We’ve been sharing our sacred 55 minute slots with the Turkish team. Although the course is quite long, the infamous Niagara drop is the most trafficked area during the sessions. Rejecting paddlers from eddies, defeating a few shoulders and equipment, it is the hardest feature of the course. But as confidence comes with practice, it feels a lot less intimidating than the first descent.

The hardest part of yesterday’s training session wasn't tackling Niagara's eddies on tired arms, but trying to carry my two boats back to the top of the course against gusts of 40km/h winds. Wind is definitely one of the biggest inconvenience for slalom, adding a whole other element to the equation and forcing us to anticipate even more. Luckily, the forecast is looking ideal for the upcoming week of competition!

The big six-day race schedule starts on Tuesday with the C1M. To prepare for the longest week of competition I’ve ever experienced, taking a rest day is an important part of the race prep. Although cycling through the streets of Vienna and visiting museums isn't quite a 'rest day' activity, it is a refreshing break. Whilst in the Belvedere Palace, I bumped into 1739’s top C1M paddler!

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 Three days left before the start of the competition, two training sessions left on the course and only one day left until the Opening Ceremony!

Canoe Slalom
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