Cecilia Farias

Cecilia Farias


Cecilia Farias made history in 2016 when she was elected as the first female Vice President in the International Canoe Federation’s history.

She was re-elected for a further three years at the ICF Congress in Rome in 2021.

As well as the role of Vice President, Farias is chair of the Diversity and Inclusion Commission and is responsible for the ICF Sustainable Development Programme.

Dr Farias became the first female on the Executive Board of the Association of Pan American Sport Confederations in 2015 when she was elected as Vice President and is now First Vice President.

She is also an experienced International Technical Official in Canoe Sprint, Canoe Slalom and Canoe Marathon and has been selected for six Olympic Games – two of them as jury – and many World Championships in those disciplines.

Career in sports administration

1996-2003 – Secretary General of the Argentinian Canoe Federation

2002-2006 Secretary-Treasurer at the South American Canoe Confederation

1999-2011 – Secretary General of the Pan American Canoe Confederation

2006-2019 – Board member of the International Canoe Federation

2011-2019 – President of the Pan American Canoe Confederation

2012-2016 – Project Manager at the Qatar Olympic Committee

2015-2023 – Vice President of the Association of Pan American Sport Confederations

2016-2018 – Venue Management Director at the Buenos Aires 2018 Youth Olympic Games

2016-present – Vice President of the International Canoe Federation

2023-present – First Vice President of the Association of Pan American Sports Confederations

Sports practised

Dr Farias is a former international athlete, becoming one of the first women to compete in Canoe Sprint in Argentina, where she was a two-time national champion and competed until 1978.


Dr Farias was made Life Honorary President of the Pan American Canoe Confederation in 2017 having served two terms as President and 12 years as Secretary General.

A year later, Dr Farias was made an Life Honorary Member of the South American Canoe Confederation.

Dr Farias also received the International Olympic Committee’s “The Women & Sport Achievement Diploma” in 2008 and 2014


Cecilia Farias- ICF Vice President


* All ICF elected officials are required to sign the ICF Board of Directors Code of Conduct to ensure highest ethical principles are kept.