Support the Ukrainian Canoe Federation's Community
The International Canoe Federation (ICF) is creating a fundraiser to assist the Ukrainian canoe athletes, coaches, and their families displaced or otherwise affected by the ongoing hostilities in their country. Funds will go towards accommodation, food and other expenses to enable them to continue during this period. If there are remaining funds at the end of the hostilities, they will be given directly to the Ukrainian Canoe Federation to assist with resuming their activities.
You can donate via our GoFundMe here
Alternatively donate using the bank details below.
Beneficiary International Canoe Federation
Address: Avenue de Rhodanie 54, CH 1007 Lausanne, Switzerland
IBAN CH97 0875 7000 0120 5339 1
Clearing 8757
Please include the reference 'Support for UCF'
This account is in € euros and any other currencies will be converted
Bank address: Bank Vontobel AG, Gotthardstrasse 43, CH – 8022 Zurich, Switzerland
Any offers of non-monetary support, for example accommodation or training facilities for affected athletes, would also be greatly appreciated and can be directed to:
The Ukrainian canoe sprint and paracanoe teams are currently training in Turkey, and will need assistance with accommodation to be able to stay in their current location. Some canoe slalom athletes are also safely out of Ukraine and will continue their training in the current location. The ICF is in constant contact with the athletes and the federation to review their needs and allocate funds as necessary. Updates will be provided here as to the allocation of funds and ongoing needs of the athletes.