Clean Seas Project
The International Canoe Federation is excited to announce it has joined the International Olympic Committee as a partner of the UN Environment’s ‘Clean Seas’ campaign.
The campaigns aim to raise awareness around the problem of marine plastic, and affect real change that will help turn the tide on this form of pollution. The campaign aims to contribute to cleaning up the waterways that are so important to canoe paddlers all over the world.
The ICF will work alongside the IOC and the United Nations to draw attention to the damage humans are doing to the planet’s rivers, streams, lakes and oceans, especially through the use of plastics.
Thousands of ICF athletes paddle millions of kilometres every year, and are in a unique position to act as ‘Guardians of the Waterways’. The ICF and the IOC are thrilled to announce two-time Olympian Mike Dawson has agreed to take on a role as an ambassador for the ‘Clean Seas’ campaign.
The ICF trialled a new sustainability project earlier this year at a canoe slalom World Cup in Augsburg, Germany. The program encouraged athletes and spectators to recycle, avoid the use of single-use water bottles, and to help keep the pristine waterway clean.
The plan is to expand the project across the dozens of events every year across the 11 disciplines within the ICF family. This will include a good practices toolkit focusing on recycling and the reduction of plastic used during competition.